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Skills Immigration - Skilled Worker

Skilled Worker

The British Columbia Skills Immigration program under the Skilled Worker category is a key pathway for skilled individuals who wish to live and work in the province of British Columbia, Canada. Its thriving economy requires a skilled and experienced workforce to continue its growth. The Skilled Worker stream offers professionals, managers, technical experts, tradespeople, and other skilled workers a pathway to obtain permanent residency in the province.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for this stream, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Job Offer: You must have received a full-time, permanent job offer from an employer in British Columbia. The job offer should not be temporary or have a specified end date, and it must fall under a skilled occupation category (NOC codes 0, 1, 2, or 3).
  • Educational Qualifications: You must possess the qualifications necessary to perform the duties of the job effectively.
  • Work Experience: You should have a minimum of two years of full-time (or equivalent part-time) work experience in any skilled occupation (NOC codes 0, 1, 2, or 3).
  • Proof of Funds: You must demonstrate your ability to financially support yourself and your dependents.
  • Immigration Status: You should either have legal immigration status in Canada or be eligible to obtain it.
  • Language Requirements: For NOC codes 2 or 3 occupations, you must meet the minimum language proficiency requirements.
  • Wage Requirements: Your wage offer should align with the wage rates established for the occupation in British Columbia.

It’s worth noting that your job offer does not need to be permanent if it falls under an eligible tech occupation or falls under NOC 41200 (university professors and lecturers). 

To utilize the Express Entry BC option, you must possess an IRCC Express Entry Profile Number, a Job Seeker Validation Code, and meet the federal minimum language proficiency requirements. These factors indicate that you meet the eligibility criteria for one of the federal economic immigration programs that are part of IRCC’s Express Entry system.

Employer Eligibility Criteria

To qualify, your employer must be willing to endorse your application and provide the necessary supporting documentation. They must also adhere to the eligibility standards and fulfill specific responsibilities during the application process.

BC PNP’s Skills Immigration Program serves as a valuable resource for employers in British Columbia (B.C.) who seek to attract and retain individuals with the requisite skills, education, and/or experience crucial for the province. If you’ve encountered challenges in securing a skilled permanent resident or Canadian worker for a permanent position, BC PNP could be an ideal solution.

If your employee is nominated by BC PNP, they may be granted a work permit support letter, enabling them to commence employment with you promptly.

To meet the eligibility criteria, B.C. employers must satisfy specific conditions and obligations, which include:  
  • Being established in B.C.
  • Complying with domestic labor market recruitment prerequisites.
  • Offering full-time, permanent employment.
  • BC PNP Tech occupations, university professors, lecturers, and post-doctoral fellows employed by a public university in B.C. are exempt from requiring a permanent job offer.
  • Providing a wage that aligns with industry standards.
  • Issuing a signed job offer.
  • Completing and signing the employer declaration form.
  • Submitting supporting documents pertaining to your business.
  • Adhering to all relevant laws and regulations.

If you’re an employer assisting with a BC PNP application, it’s essential to inform the BC PNP via email in case there are alterations in your employee’s situation.

Various factors can lead to changes in an employee’s status for any employer. Your employee might secure a different job, voluntarily resign, get terminated, or experience changes in the business’s closure or ownership.

In the event that an employer provides false information or documentation, the BC PNP reserves the right to reject any application endorsed by that company for a period of up to two years.

When you support a BC PNP application, it signifies that you have extended a job offer to a worker who lacks permanent status in Canada and have chosen to utilize the BC PNP for their retention. It also entails your commitment to completing the Employer Declaration Form and furnishing the necessary documents to ensure both you and your employee meet all the stipulated requirements.

Employers who back BC PNP applicants do not necessitate a federal Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) for hiring a foreign worker.

Your employee has the flexibility to initiate their registration with the BC PNP at any time. Upon receiving an invitation to apply, they have a 30-day window to compile the essential documents, submit their application, and remit the fee.

  1. BC PNP employer declaration form
  2. Letter of recommendation
  3. Duplicate of the executed job offer
  4. Comprehensive job description
  5. Proof of recruitment endeavors
  6. Company particulars
  7. Duplicate of the Certificate of incorporation (or its legal equivalent)
  8. Duplicate of the municipal business license
  9. National Safety Code Program number (for commercial vehicle operators only)