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Dependent Visa

About Dependent Visa

A dependent visa is a type of visa that allows the close family members or dependents of an individual to join them in a foreign country where they are residing temporarily or permanently. This visa is typically granted to spouses, children, or other dependent family members, such as parents or siblings, of the primary visa holder. The purpose of a dependent visa is to enable family members to accompany or join the primary visa holder in the host country and live with them during their stay.

The specific requirements and entitlements of a dependent visa vary depending on the country and the type of visa held by the primary applicant. Generally, dependent visa holders are allowed to reside, study, and sometimes work in the host country for the duration of the primary visa holder’s stay.

Types of Dependent Visa

The types of dependent visas can vary depending on the country and its immigration policies. However, here are some common types of dependent visas that are often available:
  • Spouse or Partner Visa: This type of visa allows the legally married spouse or registered partner of the primary visa holder to join them in the host country
  • Child or Minor Dependent Visa: This visa is designed for the dependent children of the primary visa holder, usually under a certain age limit (e.g., 18 or 21 years old).
  • Parent or Elderly Dependent Visa: Some countries offer visas that allow the parents or elderly parents of the primary visa holder to join them.
  • Family Reunion Visa: This type of visa is designed to reunite family members, such as siblings, grandparents, or other extended family members, with the primary visa holder.
  • Student Dependent Visa: A student dependent visa allows the dependents of international students to accompany them during their studies in a foreign country, granting them the opportunity to live and study together as a family unit.

Eligibility Requirements for Dependent Visa

Here are some common factors that are often considered:

Spouse Dependent Visa:
  • The applicant must be legally married to the primary visa holder.
  • Proof of a genuine and ongoing marital relationship, such as marriage certificate, photographs, joint bank accounts, etc.
Child Dependent Visa:
  • The child must be under a certain age limit, which can vary between countries.
  • The child must be unmarried and financially dependent on the primary visa holder.
Parent Dependent Visa:
  • The child must be under a certain age limit, which can vary between countries.
  • The child must be unmarried and financially dependent on the primary visa holder.
Family Reunion Visa:
  • The applicant must have a qualifying relationship with the family member residing in the country, such as being a spouse, child, or parent.
Student Dependent Visa:
  • The primary applicant (the student) must have a valid student visa or be enrolled in a recognized educational institution in the country. The dependent(s) must have a qualifying relationship with the student, such as being a spouse or child.

The specific eligibility requirements for dependent visas can vary significantly between countries and visa types. It’s advisable to consult the official immigration website or seek professional advice from the relevant embassy or immigration authorities of the host country for accurate and up-to-date information.

Documents Required for Dependent Visa

Here is a general list of documents commonly requested for each category:
  • Valid Passport
  • Proof of financial support or sponsorship
  • Medical insurance coverage
  • Police clearance certificates
  • Proof of accommodation arrangements
  • Proof of relationship : birth certificate, etc. for child and parent dependent visa, marriage certificate, wedding photos for Spouse dependent visa

It is important to note that the above list is a general guideline, and the specific requirements may vary. It is advisable to consult the official immigration website or consulate of the country you are applying to for the most accurate and up-to-date information on the required documents.