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Foreign (International) Graduate Entrepreneur Stream (Alberta)

Foreign (International) Graduate Entrepreneur Stream (Alberta)

The Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream is an economic immigration program for qualified foreign-educated graduates outside of Canada who want to launch start-ups and innovative businesses in Alberta.

International graduates from Alberta post-secondary institutions can also apply for permanent residence through the International Graduate Entrepreneur Immigration Stream (IGEIS) to establish or operate a business in Alberta.

Under the program, applicants must work with designated agencies such as Empowered Startups and Platform Calgary, who will provide a recommendation letter if they meet the AAIP requirements. The designated agency will assess the business plan, considering market demand, potential for success, customer acquisition, partnerships, and financial plans for the start-up.

Overall, the Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream is a collaboration between the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) and approved designated agencies, offering a pathway to permanent residence for foreign graduates launching businesses in Alberta.

Approved Designated Agencies

The role of delegated agency’s job is:
  • Support the promotion of the Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur stream.
  • Assess the entrepreneurial potential of a foreign graduate and determine the possibility of success of the business idea by reviewing the business plan and providing assistance in the development of an overall business plan.  
  • Select foreign graduates to recommend to the AAIP.
  • Connect international students to the appropriate networks and offer guidance, business coaching, and advice when they start their company in Alberta while striving to fulfill the standards in the Business Performance Agreement.

Eligibility Criteria

Minimum of six months of full-time work experience. This could involve actively managing or owning the business or a similar equivalent (equivalencies include experience working with a business’s accelerators or incubators).

Completing a degree at an institution not located in Canada that has the Educational Credential Assessment (ECA). The degree must be:
  • Completed within the last 10 years as of the time of the EOI submission and
  • The degree must be equivalent to the Canadian degree.
  • A business plan with projected financials.

  • Pitch deck

A 10-minute presentation (slides only) that describes the proposed business idea and concentrates on the things investors are likely to see.
  • Language

A minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 5 is required for each English language skill, or a Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) level 5 for each French language skill, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The official test results used for the Expression of Interest (EOI) submission must be no older than two years. The AAIP exclusively accepts language test results from the following options:
  1. Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) General Test
  2. International English Language Testing System (IELTS) General Training Test
  3. Test d’évaluation de français (TEF) Canada
  4. Test de connaissance du français (TCF) Canada
  • Business establishment

    1. You must have at least 34 percent ownership if your business is located in an urban area or at least 51% in the regional region outside of Calgary or Edmonton Census metropolitan Areas.
    2. The Business Partner must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents.
    3. The business must be excluded from the list of eligible businesses.
Business investment An investment of a minimum amount from the candidate’s (or spouse or common-law partner’s) personal equity or through a recognized Canadian bank, venture capital, or angel investment company before arriving in Alberta. The minimum investment required for an urban area is $100,000, while the investment in a region is $50,000. Greater levels of investment before the time of coming to Alberta will earn more points. Points are awarded for the urban central or regional areas and not both.
Letter of recommendation You must have a letter of recommendation from an AAIP-approved designated organization.
Settlement funds
  • Candidates must prove the capital necessary to establish their own business and sustain themselves when they begin their business on a work permit.  
  • Minimum settlement fund requirements will be based on Low-Income Cut-Offs (LICOs).

The amount of the settlement funds needed is determined by the number of family members (including you) and the area in which you plan to set up your company. The figures in the chart are the amount required for the next six months to settle and provide support for you (and your family members, if applicable) as you begin to establish your business in Alberta.

Family Income Table
Number of family members Less than 1,000 1,000 to 30,000 30,000 to 99,999 100,000 to 499,999 500,000 +
01 $8,922 $10,151 $11,093 $12,961 $12,960
02 $11,107 $12,636 $13,810 $16,135 $16,135
03 $13,655 $15,534 $16,977 $19,836 $19,836
04 $16,579 $18,861 $20,613 $24,084 $24,083
05 $18,803 $21,392 $23,379 $27,315 $27,315
06 $21,208 $24,127 $26,367 $30,807 $30,806
07 $23,611 $26,861 $29,356 $34,299 $34,299

The AAIP is currently accepting EOIs in the Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur stream. The information submitted will be analyzed as well as points awarded according to an Foreign Grade Entrepreneur Stream’s points chart. Candidates who score the highest points are invited to complete a Business Application.

Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream Points Grid

Human Capital: 100 Points

Required minimum of CLB 05

CLB Scores
CLB Level Description Points
CLB 05 Listening – 5.0; Reading – 4.0; Speaking – 5.0 & Writing – 5.0 10
CLB 06 Listening – 5.5; Reading – 5.0; Speaking – 5.5 & Writing – 5.5 15
CLB 07 Listening – 6.0; Reading – 6.0; Speaking – 6.0 & Writing – 6.0 20
CLB 08 Listening – 7.5; Reading – 6.5; Speaking – 6.5 & Writing – 6.5 30

Required an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) Report with below Education Qualification.

Minimum Requirement:
Bachelor’s Degree or a 2-year Diploma 5
Master’s degree 10
Doctoral degree 15
Additional Factors:
Completed a degree within the last 5 years at the time of EOI submission 10
Education under STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) 05
Business 05

Required minimum of 6 months’ work experience with business ownership or business management experience

Additional Factors:
06 Months 05
More than six months and below one year 10
One to two years 15
More than two years 20
Additional points given to candidates having business ownership experience 15

Business Plan Factors: 100 Points

Required a business plan with projected financial information. 40

Candidates must secure a minimum investment from their personal equity or a reputable Canadian finance institution, venture capital, or angel investment firm before arriving in Alberta. The initial investment must be completed within the first 12 months of starting the business.

Urban centre: Edmonton and Calgary Census Metropolitan Areas
Salary Table
$100,000 (mandatory minimum) 5
$100,001 to $150,000 11
$150,001 to $200,000 18
Over $200,000 25
Regional area: Communities outside the Edmonton and Calgary Census Metropolitan Areas
Salary Table
$50,000 (mandatory minimum) 5%
$50,001 to $100,000 11%
$100,001 to $150,000 18%
Over $150,000 25%

Additional investment after launching start-up from candidate’s own equity, or from recognized Canadian financial institution, venture capital, or angel investment firm.

Urban centre: Edmonton and Calgary Census Metropolitan Areas
Salary Range Table
$100,000 to $150,000 5%
$150,001 to $200,000 10%
$200,001 to $250,000 15%
Over $250,000 20%
Regional area: Communities outside the Edmonton and Calgary Census Metropolitan Areas
$50,000 to $100,000 5%
$100,001 to $150,000 10%
$150,001 to $200,000 15%
Over $200,000 20%

Jobs must be created for Canadian citizens or permanent residents (not including relatives) for a period of at least 6 months.

Job Table
1 job 5
2 jobs 10
3 jobs or more 15

Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream mandatory requirement

  • Start-up Ownership – The candidate must own at least 34 percent of the business in an urban center or 51 percent if the business is located in a regional community.
  • Businesses in Key Sectors – The business plan or pitch deck should demonstrate a connection to key sectors such as aerospace, technology, energy, financial services, tourism, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and life sciences.
  • Settlement Funds – Candidates must show they have sufficient funds to support themselves while awaiting the work permit and launching their business in Alberta. The minimum amount of settlement funds required will be based on low income cut-offs (LICOs).
  • Pitch Deck – A 10-minute presentation (slides only) that outlines the foreign graduate’s venture and highlights aspects that investors would be interested in.
  • Letter of Recommendation – The candidate must submit an official letter of recommendation from an AAIP authorized designated agency.

Selection and notification process

Once the AAIP receives your Business Application, it will be evaluated based on eligibility criteria and EOI scores. An AAIP officer will contact you for additional information. However, the AAIP cannot guarantee that all completed Business Applications will be evaluated or that all eligible applicants will be granted nomination. Please refer to the Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Start-up Visa declaration and AAIP terms and conditions for full details.

Not eligible to apply under Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur Stream if:

  • You have an active nomination that has not expired or is eligible for extension under a different AAIP stream. Candidates can only apply for one AAIP Nomination Certificate.
  • You have received a previous AAIP application rejection letter indicating ineligibility for a certain period. Applying within that time period will result in rejection.
  • You have a removal order issued by IRCC (or Canada Border Services Agency).
  • You are involved in a refugee claim or appeal or removal process, as the AAIP does not handle such cases.
  • You are a foreign national living or working in Canada without valid temporary resident status.
  • Your business is not eligible based on the list of eligible businesses.